Stan Thompson


Stan Thompson has assisted the Cokeville Rodeo off and on for several decades. When the Cokeville Stock & Saddle Club was first forming, Stan was vital in helping put together the newly acquired chutes. He would bring his air compressor down and his welding trailer and welded the hinges that the gates would eventually be placed upon.

He also was part of a 6-truck convoy that travelled to P&M Mine to pickup equipment such as the cat walk and metal stairs that are still in place today.

Stan could always be counted upon to drop by and help whenever it was needed, including pulling the bucking chute gates during the rodeo.

Perhaps one of Stan’s greatest contributions, however, was OUTSIDE of the rodeo arena. For 30+ years, Stan cooked meat for the church luncheon during Pioneer Day weekend. He, and several others, would stay up all night turning and rotating the meat and greasing the BBQ pit. I know that many of us remember those meals. What a beautiful labor of love that was gifted to thousands of people over the 30 year span.

Stan & Betty Thompson have sponsored/donated to the rodeo for years…including this one. They are amazing members of our community who have supported so many causes, and are always known to throw down on a chocolate roll raffle!

Stan our good friend, we remember the many years you cooked and labored for the Cokeville Rodeo and Pioneer Day celebration. Thank you Stan & Betty…for everything.


Lowell Clark


Mike Duran